Welcome to the McNair Research Scholars Program
About The Program
The UCLA McNair Research Scholars Program was established in 2003 as a two-year research-based program that prepares undergraduate students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. to not only apply to but also excel in the best graduate school programs in the country.
Each year, the program maintains a cohort of 28 juniors and seniors from a variety of majors in the Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, STEM, and applied or interdisciplinary Sciences. The UCLA McNair program particularly attracts young scholars who are committed to social change and use research and experience as a means to improve their field of study. Hence, the program’s motto to “Transform the Academy.”
To receive guidance and support as you are working on your McNair Application, please schedule an appointment with a McNair team member or Graduate Mentor by:
1) Visiting our office in-person at 1202 Campbell Hall
2) Contact our Assistant Director, Dr. Iris Lucero:
- Email with your preferred dates and times at ilucero@college.ucla.edu
Get support with applying for the program, don’t do it alone!
Program Curriculum
UCLA McNair Research Scholars complete a comprehensive and rigorous two-year academic program under the supervision of the Program Director, the Assistant Director, and multiple Graduate Student Mentors.
During their first year in the program, McNair Scholars participate in the UCLA Student Research Program (SRP) under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and attend weekly seminars designed specifically for the program. These seminars guide students through navigating the academy and developing research proposals.
In the summer between their first and second year in the program, McNair Scholars participate in the six-week UCLA McNair Summer Research Institute. This six-week program includes: workshops and seminars on academic career opportunities; standardized test preparation; writing and research skills; writing a statement of purpose; obtaining letters of recommendation; and completing the graduate school application process. In addition, McNair Scholars begin their independent research projects and present their current findings at national McNair Conferences.
During their second year in the program, McNair Scholars apply to graduate school and complete, present, and publish their research project and senior thesis. Every Scholar has the opportunity to donate her or his research materials and senior thesis to national McNair journals and various publishing opportunities.
2025 UCLA National McNair Conference Interest Form: https://tinyurl.com/2025UCLAMcNair
Social Media
For the latest updates and news, follow us on the official UCLA McNair Instagram. @ucla_mcnairscholar
A student is eligible to participate in McNair if they meet all of the following requirements:
- Is a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States, a U.S. territory, or Freely Associated States;
- Is currently enrolled at UCLA and looking to participate in the last two years of undergrad;
- Is a low-income individual who is a first-generation college student or is a member of a group that is underrepresented in graduate education;
- Is available during the McNair Summer Research Institute (Summer Session A: June 23 – August 1, 2025); and
- Is interested in research and pursuing graduate school.
For more details on eligibility, please see U.S. Department of Education Federal Regulations.
Application Materials
Complete and submit the UCLA McNair Research Scholars Application AND the following supplemental materials as PDFs (unless otherwise noted) by deadline:
- 500 Word Personal Statement
- 1,000 Word Research Proposal/Statement
- Resume or Curriculum Vita
- 2024 – 25 UCLA Electronic Financial Aid Notification (eFAN)
- Parent(s) or Guardian(s) *SIGNED* Federal Income Tax Return from 2023 (with Social Security Numbers removed or blocked from view)
- Two Letters of Recommendation (from those who can speak to your potential for graduate school)
- Signed McNair Faculty Mentor Form (or Faculty Mentor of Interest Contact Form if you are a STEM Transfer student)
- Unofficial Transcript(s)
- If you are a transfer student, please also submit a copy of the transcript(s) from the previous school(s) you attended alongside your UCLA transcript.
- Screenshot of the MyUCLA Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (URFP) Application Confirmation Page (JPG & PNG are acceptable file formats for this document)
Help with Application
Whether you just want to learn more about the program or are working on your application materials, please schedule an appointment with a McNair team member or Graduate Mentor by:
1) Visiting our office in-person at 1202 Campbell Hall
2) Contact our Assistant Director, Dr. Iris Lucero:
- Email with your preferred dates and times at ilucero@college.ucla.edu
Get support with applying for the program, don’t do it alone!
McNair Information Session
Zoom Info Session #1
Tuesday, Oct. 29th | 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Or scan QR code to join
In-Person Info Session #2
Wednesday, Oct. 30th | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Campbell 1224
Zoom Info Session #3
Friday, Nov. 1st | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Or scan QR code to join
Zoom Info Session #4
Monday, Nov. 4th | 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Or scan QR code to join
In-Person Info Session #5
Wednesday, Nov. 6th | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Campbell 1224
McNair Workshops
Click here to add your own text
McNair Application Workshops #1
Tuesday, Nov. 12th | 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Campbell 1224
McNair Application Workshops #2
Wednesday, Nov. 13th | 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Campbell 1224
McNair Application Workshops #3
Thursday, Nov. 14th | 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Campbell 1224
Friday, Nov. 15th | Due at 11:59 pm
2025 UCLA National McNair Conference
2025 UCLA National McNair Conference Interest Form: https://tinyurl.com/2025UCLAMcNair
The UCLA McNair Research Scholars Program hosted the McNair Summer Research Institute that culminated with the 2024 UCLA National McNair Conference. Over 380 McNair scholars and staff from across the country came together to share their research at the 2024 UCLA National McNair Conference, July 24 – July 26, 2024, held at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center. During the conference, scholars had the opportunity to present their research as oral or poster presentations, network with over 40 graduate and professional school recruiters at the Graduate Opportunities Fair, connect with other McNair scholars from other institutions, attend Financing Your Graduate Education and Writing A Powerful Statement of Purpose, tour UCLA, visit USC or CalTech, and attend the Chaka Khan concert at the Hollywood Bowl. The McNair Scholars Program at UCLA is generously supported by many campus partners and funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Dean of Undergraduate Education, and the Vice Chancellor of Research.
Become a McNair Graduate Mentor
We hire McNair Graduate Mentors throughout the academic year. Currently, we are hiring for Academic Year 2024-2025. This position requires to meet in-person.
AY 2024-2025 Job Call PDF file: McNair Mentor Job Call 2024-2025 AY
Become a McNair Peer Mentor
We are hiring a McNair Peer Mentor this 2025 spring quarter, with the opportunity to continue during the summer 2025 and 2025-2026 academic school year. Please click on the following link for the job application and job description.
McNair Peer Mentor Job Application: https://bit.ly/mcnairpeermentor
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, April 4, 2025 at 12 pm (PST)
Graduate Mentors

Courtney Minor

Edward Berdan

Rane Prak

Iris Lucero, Ph.D.

Alice Ho, Ph.D.

Montserrat Juarez
Main Office
Box 951541 – 1202 Campbell Hall
Phone Number: (310) 794-4186
Email: mcnair@college.ucla.edu